Accessibility, SEO, and better user experience

Woman in studio with paint brushes and laptop in the foreground looking at her smart phone with a smile

Accessibility removes obstacles to access for people with disabilities. It is the right thing to do. It is the law, under the Americans with Disabilities Act and state laws. The rise in accessibility lawsuits is well documented. The liability of having an inaccessible website is real and costly. Making websites accessible now mitigates the risk Continue reading…

A site owner’s guide to responsive web design

Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design is a long-time practice of designing web pages that read optimally across a variety of screen sizes. Learn what you need to know as a site owner to run your website.

Why WordPress?

WordPress is an open source content management system (CMS) and blogging platform, allowing users to change website content and appearance with no coding knowledge. According to W3 Techs, WordPress runs 43% of all websites. Learn about the power behind the popularity.